Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TWD: Rustic Potato Loaves

I missed a whole month of baking but it was so worth it. I spent time with my daughter, her family and my new grandson Cody. He is so sweet. Isn't he delicious.

But back to baking. I love this bread, it is simple and made me feel so accomplished. I love that on the Tuesday with Dorie blog they do "things you need to know" questions and answers. I learn so much by checking it out before I attempt my own.

The trusty old kitchen aid was able to mash the potatoes and knead this dough to perfection. This bread also only needs two 20 - 30 minute rise times before it is popped in the oven. One of the other bakers talked about how it might be good with maybe onions or rosemary mixed in. Don't ask me twice on rosemary bread. The recipe makes two loaves so I was able to throw in some fresh rosemary into one. 

 I thought it was funny how my loaves look like they were made by two different people. I think the directions made more sense when I started to roll the second loaf.

 The bread was so tender with a really nice crust. Another great tip was to steam the oven by throwing ice cubes into the oven. Delicious.

I thought butter was good on this bread but when my daughter, Jenn showed up with apricot jam and point reyes blue cheese - heaven! We almost finished the whole loaf!!
The recipe can be found in Baking with Julia or on the web site of our host this month Simply Sweet http://www.dawnssimplesweets.blogspot.com 


  1. Your new grandson is beautiful. Congratulations!
    I agree, this was a delicious bread and it sounds even better with blue cheese and jam. Yum!

  2. Congrats on your beautiful new grand baby

    The bread pairing sounds great!

  3. How wonderful to spend that much time with your family and new grandson. And you came back in time to make this winning bread recipe! Your bread looks great. It really is a good bread. I loved it.

  4. Love that cheese! So good. I thought long and hard about adding rosemary or thyme to my loaf, but in the end did not add it. I'll have to give it try. Your loaves look lovely. Your grandson is so adorable!

  5. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! He looks adorable.

    Your loaves look fantastic, too. I never managed to achieve the torpedo shape, but you did.

  6. Congrats on your beautiful new grandson. Aren't they fun?

    Loaf looks perfect.
